I recently installed Bacula File Daemon on a Windows 2012 R2 server and when trying to star the Bacula-FD service I got a error saying:

1067 Windows could not start the Bacula File Backup Service service on Local Computer.
Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.


After searching online I was unable to find a solution. What I did was attempt to run the bacula from a cmd prompt to see the errors that were preventing it from booting.

C:\Users\Administrator> cd "C:\Program Files\Bacula"
C:\Program Files\Bacula>.\bacula-fd.exe -c bacula-fd.conf
18-Apr 10:23 bacula-fd: ERROR TERMINATION at lib/lex.c:876
Config error: expected a name, got T_EOL: =
            : line 38, col 10 of file C:/Program Files/Bacula/bacula-fd.conf
  Name =

Notice that the error message that I received says “Config error” and that it indicated the line number.

I went to the config file and went to that line number and I noticed that I saw the following:

Name =

It seems that there are missing quotes. I changed the config to read:

Name = "foo"

This is just a filler name for the time being. The section can be removed all together as well.

I attempted to start my service again and everything worked!

Hopefully this helps someone else out there.