Tony Fernandez

The Packets Never Lie

FusionPBX: Monitoring a Voicemail Box with a BLF Line Key — May 21, 2022

FusionPBX: Monitoring a Voicemail Box with a BLF Line Key

Recently I had a customer request the ability to monitor a Voicemail box using a BLF Line Key on their phone.

This request isn’t new however. We’ve had numerous customer request this in the past. I decided to add this functionality to the already incredible amount of features that FusionPBX has.

FusionPBX uses a prefix when monitoring different types of applications. For example, Call Flows, Parking, DND etc.

Call Flows as an example uses the flow+ prefix to the extention.

Parking uses park+ as the prefix.

Voicemails as of FusionPBX version 5.0.1 and beyond use the voicemail+ prefix.

Below is an example of what that will look like when programming this for any phone.

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