Tony Fernandez

The Packets Never Lie

Flashing Tasmota on an MHCOZY WiFi Relay Module (without solder) — February 7, 2020

Flashing Tasmota on an MHCOZY WiFi Relay Module (without solder)


Like the title says, this will be a How To on flashing tasmota on a MHCOZY WiFi relay board I purchased on Amazon. Link.

The process, similar to any other esp device requires that we connect GPIO-0 to GND while the unit boots up.



First thing’s first. You will need a few items to flash the board.

  1. MHCOZY Relay board (Link)
  2. FTDI Cable (Link)
  3. Female to male jumper cables
  4. Male to male jumper cables (or a piece of wire)
  5. Tasmota Bin file (Link)
    • Download tasmota.bin
  6. Tasmotizer software (Link)
    • Download the latest. At the time of writing the latest is tasmotizer-1.1.exe

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